Kitchen cabinet refacing companies have become more similar by the day. I mean every one of them will tell you that they offer the best design with a reputation of outstanding and reliable service. Imagine a thousand of them telling you this and expecting to you to choose just one. The big question is, how do you choose the best kitchen refacer to suite your needs.
I will tell you shortly but first let me give you an insightful review of why these kitchen cabinet refacing contractors have become more similar by the day. Hopefully this will also help when you compare them.
One of the key reasons of the similarity between the companies and their products especially is based on the fact that they follow the same trends and style. They too influence each other. I mean have one kitchen cabinet refacing company launch a new service offering, in a matter of weeks if not days, you will see another coming up with a prototype of that similar service. Plus most of the refacing contractors use the same suppliers, which fuels the similarity in the cabinet refacing services offered.

With that said - here are a few tips to use for comparing the kitchen cabinet refacing companies;
Ask your friends and neighbors
Asking people who've had their cabinets refaced is the best comparison tool. As you talk to different people, you will populate a list of top kitchen refacacing contractors you can consider.
Ask for quotations
Once you have populated a shortlist of companies, call them and ask for quotations. Note two things there, the charge of cause but also the lead time i.e. time taken to respond to you and produce a quotation. This could be a good indicator of the kind of service to expect from the kitchen refacer.
Although it may be hard to know how busy contractors are but you can ask about their staff compliment. You need to be assured that you are note number last in their long list of jobs to undertake.
Know where they source their products
The further away the more expensive they probably going to be. On the flip side the sourcing from far off countries can mean quality. You must be in a position to know what is most important to you - quality or pricing.
Where the kitchen cabinet refacing company is located
A kitchen refacer that leaves near by pauses an advantage to you as you can visit their showroom and also it's generally easier to do business with a company that is close by. I know technology has simplified everything but I still believe in the good old fashion way.
Check compliancy with local & municipal regulations
I have already written about this a number of times so I will skip it without elaborating. I am sure you know what it means.
Membership to industry association
This is also impotant; you can choose your best kitchen refacer based on this point. I mean if they subscribe to an association then it means they are serous about their business. This is just me, you can look at it your way.
Check product offering
Make sure you know what they offer and you are pleased with it. You can read more about this in the section about cabinet refacing services
Other things to consider include, the amount of time they've been in business - the longer the better, their previous clients and do call a few of them to ask about the kitchen cabinet refacing contractors you have short-listed. You Should also visit some forums and blogs managed by experts in the field.
Lastly and most importantly, you should choose from a list of pre-screened kitchen cabinet refacing companies. There are a number of websites that offer this service free of charge and if you are in a hurry to find one - use them.